Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm So Excited I Could Pee

I stole that title from that msn icon btw.
But it's true, it's been so long that I've sat here typing up my latest fashion lovings that it feels great to be doing it again. Wow, I sound sooo sad when saying that. But i'm gonna try and give you my unedited thoughts-so there ya go.
There are so many things buzzing round my brain that I want to write about but I'll just do one mahoosive post or save them and then post them at a later date. Whichever works.
So there's the intro. now let's get down to it.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

I''m Back-and I doubt there's alot who've missed me

It's literally been months and months since my last post.
And trust me, that wasn't a choice.
Re-reading my old posts has made me realise how much I've missed it, and just when people actually started reading it, I had to stop.
I've had sooooo many internet problems the past six months with different companies so I haven't be able to post.
Anyway, I'm now staying at my dad's in Holland which i usually do once a year, and guess what? He has internet so that means for the next week it'll be posts galore.
If there's anyone (crazy) who still visits this ghost-blog-town, then thank you for your faithfullness-you really must have nothing better to do.
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