Sunday, September 17, 2006

New York Fashion Week

Just come back from Brighton. I haven't forgotten those leopard-print peep-toe flats I saw in River Island. SO cool! AArgh-but only in size 4!!! Anyway they were £25 and as soon as I find a picture, I'll show you. The website doesn't seem to have any pictures.
Anyway I also bought a pink bra for only £3. God I love bargains. What I didn't realise was I was trying it on in the men's changing rooms without realising! Anyway. So what am I loving right now?
Well, handbag is a website you should see. It's got everything. Fashion, Beauty, Hair, Celebrity Gossip, Fitness etc. You can even sign up for a free newsletter and you can choose what they email you about. And it's updated daily. I really like looking at the fashion pages.

Here are a few things I LOVED when I saw pictures from the New York fashion week.

I Love this red Zac posen dress. not only does it have bow, but it's made out of gorgeous looking material. I bet the dress floats right over your body.

I'm sure I've seen this somewhere before. No, I haven't it just looks a little like the pastel ruffle dresses from Alexander Mcqueen's Autumn/Winter 2006/07 collection I posted about before. Anyway. It's short, sweet and a heavenly white. I could just imagine bridesamaids at a weddingcatwaling down the aisle wearing this. Marchesa.

If you live in America, you don't have Topshop, and for that I am truly sorry. You don't know what you're missing out on. Actually you probably do. But I heard a rumour tht Topshop is scoming to you. Anyway, this dress is not Topshop, but it's Temperley. It reminds me of a dress in Topshop I was almost going to try on for fun because it looked so cute. I LOVE the blouse and dress combo.

Derek Lam has officially changed the LBD. No longer 'Little' but LONG. Stunning.


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