My 2nd Home
Gteting here was not too bad actually, my dad's flight to england was soo funny though, it was in true James Bond style. Long story.
But, a accoident form last Summer has been repeated-my luggage somehow fell of the luggage lorry and is left at Gatwick. Those baggage handlers must really be blind if they don't hear the lound thump of a zingy fushchia-pink suitcase hit the ground. 'might complain. So, my belongings and all my clothes are packed into that suitcase and until then, I have my hand-luggage and today's clothes. If i don't get those clothes back I will kill. On the plus side, my dad offered to buy me a whole new wardrobe in the meantime. But i still want those clothes back.
Oh and by the way, just so this has some form of 'retail tale'', I wnet to a H&M and found some very pretty, hawaiian flower hairclips in yellow. They were 2 for (this keyboard is Dutch so doesn't have pound signs) 2 pounds!
Have a great summer everyone, leave some news in the comments
mwah xxxxxxxxxxxxx