Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Milla Jovovich Does Not Live Here

'Milla Jovovich does not live here'", this is what was pointed out to me by my stepmum as we waited for my sister to buy pink converses in a shoe shop. We were in Delft, which is here in Holland, doing a little sight-seeing, it was a family day-trip.

So anyway, I stood there thinking-what the hell is that supposed to mean? Could it be a joke? Or maybe she did/does live there? Or maybe, as my step-mum pointed out, she did live there but her and her possible bf split up and the sign was for the postman, telling him she had moved out?

I have a picture of it on my camera so once I get it scanned, I'll post it on here. If you are some kind of huge Milla fan, then comment me for directions to this weird sign next to the door!


Blogger Sarah said...

ewww. pink converses? were they chuck tailors?

Tue Aug 08, 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

god, i don't know-converse all stars, and actually she looks really cute in them-they're a pretty pastel pink.

Wed Aug 09, 12:53:00 AM  
Blogger FashionWhore said...

I <3 converses. Especially pink ones.

Maybe I'll post: "Money Miss doesn't post here" on my blog, so that ******** spammer doesn't spam anymore.

Wed Aug 09, 09:17:00 AM  
Blogger Amy Green. said...

Heart your blog!

Fri Aug 11, 02:59:00 PM  

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